Literacy can
change lives

Our beliefs

We believe literacy is a basic human right, it is key to eradicating poverty, it is a catalyst for economic growth and it is a rock on which an enduring civilization rests.

Literacy has the power to change lives

Being able to read enables children access to better opportunities in life and helps to break the cycle of poverty. It allows them to realise their full potential as empowered individuals, engaged members of the community, and citizens of the world.
Reading is a foundational skill, a gateway to all other learning outcomes. People who cannot read or write cannot do simple things like reading the label of a medicine bottle, filling out a job application or understanding a traffic sign.

Literacy is the foundation of lifelong learning

Early intervention is key

We focus on early years literacy to set children up for the best start in life. Literacy begins in those first years of life at home. Before children are even in school, early experiences with books build a strong foundation for learning.

It is a hugely complex challenge that requires collaboration across multiple layers, spanning individuals, mindsets and systems. mc2h has the ability – and responsibility – to work across all these layers.

We invest in:

There is no silver bullet to "solve" illiteracy


Organisational change

Investments in brilliant organisations result inmeasurable, tangible change, where we see a direct impact on children’s literacy rates.

Sectoral change

By bringing individuals together, we create wider sectoral impact. Change is deeper here, though more difficult to measure.

Systemic change

These investments are the most difficult to measure, but the most important – they are the foundation of long-term, sustainable change.

But what if...

... every girl in Sub Saharan Africa completed primary education.

If this happened it is estimated that the maternal mortality rate would decrease by 70%...


reduction in maternal
mortality rate

Our Values

Holistic We know that solving childhood literacy requires a multifaceted approach, which is why we focus onsupporting change at multiple levels -the organisational, the sectoral and thesystemic.

Open-minded We foster a culture of continuous learning within our own foundation and across all our partnerships. One where failure is feedback, and where learning is critical to improving our impact and our scale.

Trust-based Our funding is long term and flexible- we know that change takes decades not a 1-year grant; and that for an organisation to thrive, it needs core, backbone funding so it can grow sustainably.

Power-shifting We know that those closest to the issues best understand what works and what doesn’t. By putting communities and local organisations at the centre of everything we do, we create more sustainable, longer-term change.

Our annual reports

2022 Annual Report2021  Annual Report